Saturday, September 28, 2013

Home Sweet Home :) x

And. . . we're back home!!!!

We went for only 5 days but I sure have missed my 3 little munchkins! We got 2 cages because Curly obviously didn't need one. Then, we rushed to the kennels! Curly was confused at first as to who it was but when she did recognise us, she was jumping up and making all sorts of funny noises!!!

We then went to see the other two, Joshy covered himself completely with his blanky and was asleep! When we called him, he popped his little head out and meowed! Gosh, they were SO excited! He was

rubbing up against my hand from behind his enclosure. Little Blitzy was in her basket and she woke up to eat. Apparently she wasn't eating very well but when she saw us, she raced to her food bowl and started eating!

We put them into their cages and set off for home! Joshy was surprisingly calmer but as we reached home, the 3 of them were getting all restless and wanted to come out!

Joshy was a bit scared to be alone outside but he's settled down now and so have the girls! Praise the Lord!

I also took a photo of 2 little dogs at the kennels! They were so cute!

Joshy hadn't hunted for so long that he thought Blitzy's little plastic lizard was real and he started playing with it!! Shame!

Sele'ha Mikhaila

Vacation and Very Cute Kitties ;)

Hello :)

I felt extremely sad to leave the kids but...the holiday was just fantastic!!! We went on some lovely trails, then walked on the beach and we went on a boat ride!! It was just absolutely amazing! We can never thank the Botha's enough for blessing us with this wonderful holiday and it was so lovely spend it with them!

The Lord was really watching over the kids! I phoned the lady at the kennels/cattery and she said that Curly is fine and was being walked twice a day, Blitzy even let the lady pet her and Joshy was in his basket the entire time! They weren't eating very well though but they seemed fine otherwise! I was so happy that they were together and that all was well with them!

Anyway, we were having supper every night at the Botha's cabin and they were having breakfast at our cabin. While we were having supper the first night, a big black and white cat came meowing out of the bush. he had thee most beautiful long, bushy, black tail and was adorable! He was fed some meat and guess what happened the next night?

He brought along 3 friends! There was a Russian Blue & White looking one, a stripy silver grey one and another black & white one! They were crying for some meat and all our hearts melted for them! They sure had a feast that night! These cats were laying on the deck and acting so friendly but as soon as you came close, they would scamper off!
The next night a fourth cat showed up, he looked like a tortoise-shell and white but he didn't have any ginger on him. I couldn't get a photo of him sadly!

I've uploaded the photo's of the cats for you....

I only got to take photo's of three of the cats!


Thanks so much and God bless,

Sele'ha Mikhaila

Unsuspecting Kids... :(

Okay, so these photo's are from before our vacation and I just wanted to show you all those innocent faces, they didn't suspect a thing!

 Curly was sleeping calmly on the morning we left...

 Little Blitzy was trying to open my bag!

And Joshy...he was sleeping beside my parent's bag! Shame, I felt so bad to take them from their comfortable spots. My parents don't usually allow Joshy on their bed but today even they felt sorry and allowed him...

Old Photo's

 I havn't uploaded in such a long time now so I'm not sure if I've uploaded these photo's before... ;)
Curly was squashing herself into Blitzy's tiny basket!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flowers and Finding A Place


So, that grey cat that's been coming here is actually not James! He is just another little kitty!My Mum phoned Joshy's previous owners and they found James before they could leave and so off he went! Sadly, little James was knocked by a car about 2 months after he left Claridge!

But wait, there's more, Joshy had a sister too!!! The three of the were from the same litter. She was a long-haired ginger from what I heard and she went missing here in Claridge! Gosh, Joshy's whole family lived here! How sweet?!

"Charcoal" hasn't showed up for a while now!

We're going on vacation for 5 days and the 3 little kids have to go to a kennel & cattery! We found the perfect place for them, thanks to the Lord! It's an elderly couple and they seem very kind :) The lady asked if we would like to have Curly in the cattery with Joshy and Blitzy(in different cages, of course)!! How wonderful! Curly really thinks she's a cat and I don't think she would've fitted in with all those barking dogs and they would have more peace of mind knowing that they're all together! So would I!!

The flowers are blooming and Claridge looks like SO gorgeous!!!

Here are some photo's of Claridge's beautiful flowers and the kids :)

 Little Roxy giving a big smile!! >>>

 Roxy and Kenzo have gone so chubby!

 The road to Claridge >>>
 The sign of our church on the farm :)

 Here are all the lovely flowers!!!

We were blessed with these gorgeous roses!!!

 Look at that pose!

 Our little king >>>

Monday, September 9, 2013

Little Lion and a Long Lost Brother?


I'm SO sorry for the super long wait!!!! 2 weeks, I know! I was sick during the first week and the second was so busy! It was my Mum's birthday and we were celebrating, the whole weekend was busy with different things!

Anyway, Curly went for a haircut but it went horribly wrong!!! Her groomer trimmed her whole back fur and left the front fur, she looked like a little lion! When we got home, my Mum and Dad had to even out the trimming and then she didn't look that bad...I guess.

Joshy has been bringing a friend home! He is a beautiful grey cat and he is coming for Blitzy everyday. She doesn't like him at all, she's been hissing and growling at him through the window!
Curly and Joshy seem to like him though, Joshy even allowed him to drink milk outside on the front porch!

We're not sure but he may or may not be Joshy's brother. When we first moved here, the previous people that lived here had Joshy and another cat named James. When they moved, we only saw Joshy. They said that James was a long-haired brownish gray cat and I know that's completely different to this new cat but Joshy seems to know him. He even let us pet him and he was waiting at the door to go in! I really don't know if he is James or not but we named him Charcoal for now.

Sorry, the signal isn't good to post more photo's!

Sele'ha Mikhaila xxx