Saturday, April 8, 2017

Busy Days, A Beautiful Wedding & A Big Girl Now

Greetings dear readers!

Well it's that time again! Time for another update from me. :D
Firstly, I just want to mention that the blog has reached almost 6 000 pageviews! Thank you all!

We have decided to let Blitzy go outside on her own in the mornings, I usually entice her to come back with her breakfast, works everytime! This morning she just decided to come in on her own though. Sniffles, (the pup from next door), is fascinated by her and I guess she tolerates him too. They seem to be getting along now. Joshy isn't too happy that Blitzy is out alone, for some reason he feels he has to watch her, Curly is also like that! She worries, pacing up and down, until Blitzy walks in through the front door! Blitzy loves her new privileges, she's definitely a big girl now!
There is another thing that Blitzy has been doing, she insists on sitting on top of my tablet! I keep taking her off and she rushes right back on, she may be small but it's still a weight on the tablet so my parents suggested a solution, let her use my old tablet cover! She did fall for the decoy cover! I don't know how long it will last though but it's working for the time being,

Last Sunday was the wedding of Christoff de Wet and Elona Joosten, it was such a beautiful ceremony! One could see that the Lord was glorified through this couple's purity, it's such a testimony and an example to us. Elona is a wonderful example of a godly young woman, I enjoyed getting to know her during these last few years. She visited Claridge last year with her grandparents, Onkel Hogard and Tante Inge, they're such special people! Christoff is the brother of Jakobus de Wet, who is married to Galina. Speaking of which, Jakobus, Galina and their lovely children visited Claridge for a short time this week. We always enjoy it when they visit, the kids grow so fast! I have mentioned it before but they have 3 kids, Nadine, Janet and Josua. Little Josua is not so little anymore! He's talking and running around now!

Renate is also in Claridge this week, we have been enjoying the holidays together. She also started crocheting so, we tried out some crochet video tutorials from YouTube. I think it turned out well! A good attempt from both sides. :)
Yesterday, we went for a walk and of course, little Curly followed us. She is getting older and I have to try to convince her that she should stay at home when we go for long walks but she is adamant at times. She's such a sweet, fluffy dog though, so precious! Diane from Schulzendal Mission is here as well, yes, there have been a lot of visitors! It's been a busy time and there are two funerals and a service today.
Winter is creeping it's way in slowly, it's been getting darker earlier and the nights have been longer. We do still have a few hot days in-between though. ;)

I think I shall end off now,
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila  

Crochet fun with my little kitty, Blitzy

Soaking up the sun

This is at the wedding

I didn't get many pictures, sorry!

At Bible House

The decoy Tablet cover

See all the blackjacks?!

She loves her new privileges!

Joshy and Blitzy exploring

Blitzy investigating the well

Now Joshy is having a drink from that well

Beautiful Hibiscus

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