Hi everyone!
It's been quite a while, hasn't it? It was a really busy time for us here and that's why I couldn't update the blog recently. I do apologize! I have also been writing short stories on the sideline, the editing takes time!
Anyway, Renate is going back to Germany for 3 months and I decided to crochet some stuff for her little sister and her. I made a mini Hello Kitty amigurumi toy for Miriam, Renate's sister. I've really enjoyed doing amigurumi!! For those of you who are unaware, Amigurumi is the Japanese art of crocheting or knitting little animals, people or even inanimate objects. I love it because you can make literally anything! I've uploaded the photo of the purse I crocheted Renate a few weeks ago.
Click here to view
Anyway, we had a bag of avo's and as soon as we got it, Curly wanted some! She LOVES avocados! I know that it's not good for dogs BUT I researched it and you can give them very little as long as it doesn't contain any of the skin or the seed. Kenzo and Sniffles came the other day and together with Curly, they looked for avocados off the tree!
A while ago, we transplanted some rose trees, it was on my Dad's birthday, remember? Well, they are flowering and the roses are gorgeous! I love the colors.
A week or two ago, Caleb and our Dad built a shelter for part of the deck, I've already written a post about it but now, Dad added Broekie lace to the shelter. It looks so beautiful, Victorian style!
God bless and enjoy the photos :)
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Hello Kitty amigurumi


Curly sniffing the avo bag
The beautiful roses!


Curly, Kenzo and Sniffles looking for avo's off the tree.

An eagle

Bonding time?

Beautiful bougainvillea petals

Can you see the dove's nest with an egg in it?

Sniffles and Curly eating grass

The broekie lace on the deck

The beautiful gate that my Dad made