Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Beauty & Back Home


It's a beautiful, sunny day in Claridge! Okay, the birthday rush is almost over, we just have Aunty Sivi's birthday next month and then the major birthdays are over for this year. We'll be in October soon and then the last few months just fly by!

Anyway, this week was good, my Uncle is doing a whole lot better, he will be out of hospital soon.
New flowers are blooming each day in Claridge, it's amazing to see. Our transplanted roses are doing good, the Cherry Brandy rose plant has two buds already! Oom Peet and Tannie Andra are back from America, it was great to hear that the services went well! Take a look at the Kwasizabantu website for Tulsa, Oklahoma : KSB Tulsa
Yesterday, my brother and I took a walk outside, it was in the late afternoon and the air was cool. Curly accompanied us, it was a great opportunity to take a few photo's!

Until next time,

God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila ♡


A beautiful rose bud

A white rose bud opening

A gorgeous rose in bloom

Blitzy loves to sit on Caleb's bookshelf

Curly on the deck

Aren't these Clivia's beautiful?

A sunset

Little Sniffles!

Curly atop her large deck

Peeping over at us

The lovely orchids in the greenhouse


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Gardening & A Great Birthday


I come to you with the announcement of yet another birthday! It's my Dad's birthday today (20th). So, my Dad, brother and Mum were all born in close proximity.

This time, we ordered a cake for my Dad, we had too many homemade cakes and I think we all welcomed the change. The cake is delicious!
Oom Peet and Tannie Andra will arrive in South Africa tomorrow, they've gone for 3 weeks as usual but it just felt like longer this time, for some reason. It's always good to have them home!

The rose plants that we bought my Mum for her birthday have started to bloom! They're so beautiful!! It's amazing to see the beauty of the Lord all around us.
We've had some cold days in between the hot days, Sunday was quite cold! The temperature dropped to 3 degrees last night but today it was 26 degrees.
We transplanted the rose plants today too, I love gardening (if it's not too hot outside, that is). The garden looks great!

Last week, it stormed quite often, one time it stormed throughout the entire night and into the next morning as well! Poor little Curly was on edge!

God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila ~♡~

Blitzy at her heater

Curly at her place of refuge during                                    the storm 

 A close-up of a white and a pink                                                                   orchid from the garden  

The beautiful orange rose 

Another rose bud

My Dad's cake 

It was chocolate inside

Blitzy at her little window seat

Isn't she pretty?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beautiful Flowers & a Birthday

Greetings from sunny South Africa!

Spring is definitely here, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming all around us and the air is sweet.....what more could you ask for? It's beautiful!

It was my Mom's birthday on the 7th, yes, it's so close to my brother's birthday!
Anyway, I baked a four layer vanilla cake sandwiched between chocolate buttercream, and topped with a sweet pink buttercream.
We took her out for breakfast and then we stopped at a nursery in the city, my Mom loves flowers, me too! So, we decided to buy some more rose plants. They hadn't bloomed yet and we intend to transplant them soon.

Oh, Tannie Andra and my Mom actually share a birthday by the way. Oom Peet and Tannie Andra are in America at the moment, they are busy with the preaching services in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I've uploaded plenty photos of the flowers at Claridge, it's like a botanical garden, we are so blessed to live amongst such beauty.

Have a blessed weekend!
Sele'ha Mikhaila ♡


I did a petal design on my Mom's cake

Birthday cards

A slice of the cake


At the nursery

How cute is this wheelbarrow?

Joshy and Blitzy 


Even Blitzy admired the flowers!

The driveway

This is a weed but it's so pretty!