Hi dear friends,
It's been a while.....
Things have been running smoothly in Claridge. Well, I'm at liberty to mention that Oom Peet and Tannie Andra are moving to America. Yes, moving!
They will be helping in the mission in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We're so grateful that God has made a way for KwaSizabantu to open a branch in America, it's the first one! Although we shall really miss Oom and Tannie, we know that they are following the Lord's will in this. It will definitely be a big adjustment for all of us in Claridge though!
Last Friday, we had a farewell for them on our deck, it was a special yet bittersweet time spent together with everyone. My Mum even made a USA themed cake! It was a cupcake cake in the shape of the American flag, it turned out so well. :) Especially since the electricity went out the night before so, my Mum literally iced these cupcakes in the dark! I haven't transferred all the photos yet but I will upload the cake photos in this post, I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on the fun. ;)
On Sunday, our congregation and all at Bible House went to the main mission for the service and afterwards, Uncle Erlo Stegen had invited everyone from Claridge to his house for lunch. It was special! Unfortunately, he was not well enough to preach then so Oom Detlef Stegen took the sermon.
Oom Peet had a chance to speak and he thanked all who had invested in their lives over the years and he also showed a video of the mission in Tulsa. It's amazing to see all that the Lord is doing there!
Anyway, please enjoy the photos.
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
The USA flag cupcake cake! A mouthful to say!

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Even Curly enjoyed the deck activities

This was after her haircut, more like a trim?

We went shopping the other day and couldn't resist these donuts!

Joshy and Blitzy having a moment

Sleepy kitty

Sharing the heater

Blitzy cleaning her precious tail. ;)

Her poses!


and Blitzy being lazy