Okay here is the run down on what we have been up to during these last 2 weeks....
My Dad and Caleb painted the deck a beautiful darker color, the timber looks so rich now. I liked it with and without the deck paint though. Dad also painted around the house, touching up old paint and in certain spots, repainting completely. My Mum and I upholstered the kitchen chairs, they were in need of new covers! I must admit, Blitzy did contribute to some of the tears but I guess chair covers wear out over the years too right? Anybody?
The new covers look really nice and match the kitchen color palette excellently, we used a dark gold, velvet material. It appears brighter in different lighting which is neat! Mum did most of the work though...hehe ;)
The lounge sofas also have new covers, beautiful bronze crushed silk.
In between this busy period, we noticed that little Lassie seemed really tired. Her eyes were droopy, she was walking really slow and wasn't eating well either. So Mum and Dad took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with tick fever, a bad case of it too! Shame, poor baby! She had some shots and some medicine was prescribed as well. Today, she is her old self, happy and adventurous! God is so good. We continue to give her meds daily for at least another week and Mum gives her chicken for protein. Lassie visits in the morning and stays here for the whole day, as does Sniffles! He wants treats the whole day though....hahaha :D Thankfully they don't chase Joshy and Blitzy so it's nice to have them here. In fact, Blitzy chases them! She is fearless, that little kitty. Oh, Curly is doing much better these days, she still won't be able to eat any hard food but I think the pain is gone or at least controlled now. She's a trooper!
Oh, we also sorted through our cupboards and gave loads of clothes and miscellaneous items away. We have downsized quite a bit, although we do say that every year! ;)
I even managed to draw two little pictures, I have an art account on Instagram, uploading realistic and cartoon drawings, even some watercolor pencil paintings. Feel free to check it out : click here
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila