Hey everybody!
I trust that everyone had a lovely weekend (IF your weekend is over, depending on your timezone) ;)
This morning we took our 2 little girls (Curly & Blitzy) on a walk. The view was absolutely beautiful! All the flowers are blooming and it's such a pretty picture!
Shame, the bee's always worry Curly and she is terrified of them! She did get stung before and that has terrified her for life! She races home as soon as she hears that buzzing!
Joshy hurt his ear and whatever scratched him, scratched him quite badly. It goes right into his ear, poor little boy. He does take advantage of all the attention we've been giving him though!
Blitzy has been busying herself with hunting! She was chasing lizards for the whole weekend! There are 3, one in my room, one in Caleb's room and then one in the lounge. She raced from room to room to see which one is within her reach. So cute!
I'll upload all the flower photo's soon but for now, enjoy these few photo's of the kids!
Have a blessed week!
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Curly, hiding underneath our car, she does this when it's windy or when the bee's are worrying her!
Little Charcoal visited us the other day and we gave him some milk, he's too sweet!
My little princess staring at her reflection, how conceited!
Hello dearest friends,
Sorry for not updating this blog for almost 2 weeks but there was a death in our family and we also had to get our things ready for college.
Shame, funerals are always so sad...
Anyway, on a lighter note, Joshy is going to be 5 years old in March! I'm so excited!
Also, Curly has been officially our dog for almost a year! On April 1st ;) It feels as if it's been forever!
Blitzy will be 3 years old in September, still a while to go but you know how fast time goes.
I'm really excited for this new year, I hope you are too!!!
Today, little Blitzy tried to catch the brown eagle! He swooped so low that we could see his face clearly! She stalked him wherever he flew, he was probably just trying to catch some breakfast, he didn't think that "breakfast" would be trying to catch HIM! Hahaha...that little cat makes me laugh, she's so fearless!
I won't be able to post any photo's :( I promise that I'll post some next time!!!
Sorry to end off so abruptly but I have to!
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Happy New Year!
My previous post was last year!! Hahaha ;)
Sorry for the long wait but with all the New Year celebrations, things were hectic! My grandparents stayed for exactly 2 weeks and it was such a lovely time spent together. We had some family over on New Year's day.
Normally, I'd stay up with my brother until the new year but this time, we were SO tired and went to bed at about 22:00. So close, I know, we just couldn't keep our eyes open any longer! We have to wake up at 6 everyday, rain or shine, public holiday or not. Why? To escort little Blitzy on her morning walks before it gets too hot. Hahahaha...but we do it with love.
Anyway, our visiting family really loved the farm! Sometimes, living here everyday, you don't really appreciate the place you live in. It's only when a visitor comes and they are fascinated with everything that you really think, "Wow, God has really blessed us!" I mean, to be able to live in a place like this is just wonderful! We're on a farm but we're just 10 minutes away from the city! It's absolutely amazing!
Shame, little Blitzy had to stay in her room while our visitors came. She really didn't mind because when big crowds come, she prefers to be in her room (my room!). Joshy slept in my parents bedroom and refused to come out, he too, likes his privacy.
Oh my! Curly got so much of attention from the visitors and she loved it! She really is a "crowd pleaser!"
Okay, so, I hope that it's a long enough post for you, this year's a big year for us! No more school!!
I pray that everyone has a blessed year ahead! <3
Much love,
Sele'ha Mikhaila xxx
p.s. Sorry, I didn't post any photo's! :(