Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Puppies Progress and Playfulness :)

Hello dearest friends!!!!

I am extremely sorry for the loooong wait! It's been almost a month!

We have been busy with our studies and the puppies! Oom Peet and Tannie Andra came back a while ago though. We are very grateful that they are back, everyone in Claridge really missed them!

The puppies have grown so much during this month. I really wanted to update the blog every week but alas, it did not work out! We also could not go online for a while but now everything's sorted and I've uploaded many photo's of the pups through the weeks! They will be 4 weeks old on Friday evening/Saturday morning! So quickly! There are 4 females and 3 males and the males are nice and strong too! I would like to get one but of course, I have too many pets as it is!

There is also a bird living at Bible House! I have no idea what bird it is but it's like a parrot, he speaks too! I'm just calling it a "he" but it might be a girl, I don't know! He flew to the farm and I think Oom Peet got him and a lady named Aunty Sandra kept him. We all just call him "Birdie". He has a tag on him with his owner's name on it, I'm not sure if there is a phone number or not. He is staying at Bible House for a few weeks because Aunty Sandra is gone away for a few weeks although she does stay on the farm anyway, so, he just had to change buildings! He is very cute though and he sure can shout and scream!!! Wow!

Kenzo and Roxy are fine too! Kenzo is very sweet with his children but the only time he gets angry with them is when they come near his food bowl! He growls and even lashed out at one! I quickly tried to comfort the little guy but then Roxy rushed over, grabbed her baby and comforted the screaming puppy! He also does not like it when they all gather around him! They now have two places to sleep in. The second dog house was moved closer and there is a little fence around it and the pups are put in there during the day for some sun and a change of view. They're even walking on the grass now! Then, at 16:00 or so, they are taken back to the kennel on the veranda. Since winter is coming close, it gets dark quicker and the nights are cold too.

Our kids are fine too! They really give us an earful when we get back from the puppies! If they don't do that then they'll give us the silent treatment! Yes, it's true! Joshy received a new bed and he LOVES it! Finally, he listens and goes to his own bed to sleep! Even though it's pink....shhhh....don't tell him ;) Hahahaha!

Blitzy is getting very independent now although I still have to feed her by hand! I'm trying to wean her off it and she'll eat some of the food on her own but whenever she sees me, she'll act as if she cannot eat! She will be 3 years old in September! Certainly not a kitten anymore!

Curly can also be a little naughty too sometimes. For instance, when we bring her back in from her walk, she'll refuse to come in! Everyday! We have to go inside, fetch a Beeno dog biscuit and lure her in with it! Can you believe it?! It's actually twice a day sometimes!

But.......we are so glad to have them as part of our lives! We all have our flaws, right? Our Beeno-biscuit-scheming flaws!

Anyway, I have to end off now and I promise to write again soon! You certainly won't have to wait a month again before hearing from me!

God bless and stay well!

Sele'ha Mikhaila

                             1 Week Old

                              2 Weeks Old

Below is Kenzo and his children! The next photo is of Roxy! She was sad that we were petting her pups and not her! Look at the sadness in her eyes! Awww!!! Can you ever resist a face like that? 

                                         3 Weeks Old

 Roxy and Kenzo inside the puppy inclosure looking out.

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