Happy Easter!!
Sorry, this is a late Easter wish but I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend anyway!
Well, on Thursday, my parents fetched my grandparents from Durban and we had pizza for dinner....mmmm....yum!
The next morning, we went out for breakfast, everyone enjoyed it. After that, my Dad took us for a drive through the area where my grandparents grew up and also another area where my Dad grew up. It was good to see it although a lot had changed and there were many more houses built. My grandparents say it's almost unrecognizable!
We came home and celebrated my Grandfather's birthday. His birthday was actually the next day but we celebrated that day because we were going to the mission the next day. Here is a photo of the table with some snacks.
The next day (Saturday), we went to the main mission for the Easter conference, my Grandmother came with, it was her first time to go there! Uncle Erlo preached and it was a blessed sermon. There were about 7 000 people who attended the whole conference!
Tannie Bonnetta Roos invited us to have lunch at their house, they have a beautiful home! We ate out on their deck and the food was delicious! Tannie Bonnetta made a very tasty dessert...
Inside the 10 000-seater auditorium at the mission, it's empty here though.

Part of it from outside.

This is an aerial view of a section of the mission at night. See the auditorium?

It was also wonderful to see all our friends again! It's always so special when we visit the main mission. My Grandmother seemed to enjoy it too. There were 3 services on Saturday but we only attended the morning service and left after lunch. We are thankful that all the services were streamed via Livestream so, we could watch them right at home too! If you would like to watch it, then click on this link : http://livestream.com/accounts/10578297
You have to create a free account to access the videos. Hope you enjoy it! :)
We ate on our deck on Sunday evening, the weather was great! All in all, we had a very blessed weekend remembering what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.
Blitzy taking a peep outside during the evening.

Curly putting her whole weight on one side of the basket! It will break!

Curly's not allowed here, we saw her there as we were leaving for the mission.

Joshy and Blitzy, so sweet!

Joshy enjoying himself outside.

May Jesus truly be risen in our lives!
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila ♡
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