I was going to wait a few more days to write a new post but I want to share all the news and photos now!! Oh, Cats of Claridge is now on Pinterest, Click here to view.
On Friday, there was a python found at the dam! From the photos, it looks like a thick one too (can you say it like that? Thick?), well, a large python then. Of course, we had to call the "snake wrangler", they will set him/her free at Albert Falls dam. There are other pythons there. I didn't want it to go, it's like they're evicting it, haha... ;) I guess it's not safe to keep him/her here though. Anyway, when they started looking for it, it had already slithered away. They dug in a hole where it was last seen but to no avail. It'll probably surface again soon.
I don't think I mentioned the puppy on the farm. Our neighbors recently adopted a little brown and white Jack Russell mix (if I'm not mistaken). His name is Sniffles and he's just a couple months old. He's really cute and just adores Curly! The other day he tried to ride on her back!
Here is a clip of the fun Curly, Lassie and Sniffles have together :
I have recently entered the world of crocheting and I must say, I LOVE it! It's not hard, trust me. I really love creative things, as you guys might have noticed and I did give knitting a go a while back. Well.......maybe it's because I didn't have the patience to properly learn it, or maybe I confused myself with it but I just couldn't fully enjoy it! I messed the stitches up and it killed any motivation I had to actually learn it. Then......crocheting came along, it's super simple! Once you got the different stitches down, it's smooth sailing from then on! I did my first project on Saturday, it was baby slippers....so cute! I used three different colours and it looks good, I think, at least for a beginner. Now, the crochet bug has got me and I am really enjoying it. Yesterday, I crocheted a pair of baby booties (baby shoes are SO easy and quick!). I used a thick silvery-grey yarn so the booties were done fast and I finished them of with a cute, little red bow on each bootie. Now, my Mom is a pro-knitter and well, actually a pro-anything to do with sewing, knitting, crocheting etc. Like I've mentioned in another post, it runs in the family!
Anyway, my Mom is convinced that I'd like knitting once I get the hang of it sooooo........I reckon I could give it another try! Sometime soon!
Oh, if you haven't already watched this little video of Blitzy playing with a feather, then take a look. She loves feathers! They're like her favourite toys.
Much love in Christ,
Sele'ha Mikhaila ♡ :D
Enjoy the photo's :)