Well, this has been quite a week for my family. Readers, I'm sure you will remember my Uncle who was in hospital. For those of you who don't know, my Mum's younger brother, Brad, was in hospital since June this year, he was very sick. I don't think it's necessary to go into much detail about his health but I will mention that during this time, my uncle gave his heart to the Lord. It meant so much to us! In October, he was much more responsive and cheerful, we had blessed times together as a family. He was eventually transferred to another hospital in Durban but a couple days later, he became very ill once again.
On Thursday was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary and we went to Durban to spend some time with them, they did not want a big celebration or anything like that, especially since their son (my Uncle) was not well. We went to visit Brad in hospital that day and he was happy to see us but he was in a lot of pain.
My parents visited him again on Saturday and Sunday too, we live about an hour away from Durban.
On Monday morning, at 04:55, Brad peacefully passed away in his sleep, he had multiple organ failure.
So, for this week, we went to Durban each day, just to comfort and be there for our grandparents and our cousin. Brad had only one son, named Joshua. We lived in Durban prior to Claridge and we grew up with Josh, he was like a brother to us. Though this is a sad time for all of us, we are comforted in knowing that Brad is with the Lord Jesus. We're so thankful that he was saved. It was also amazing to see how supportive everyone was, so many people sent messages or food or just spent time with my grandparents and all of us too.
The funeral was only yesterday because my other uncle was in Saudi Arabia and he still had to fly down. We don't get to see him often, only after a couple years or so. Anyway, the funeral went well and we're thankful. There was a whole lot of food leftover, it was so blessed. We gave so much away and there was still leftovers. Oh, Brad really wanted some flowers from Claridge to be incorporated into his funeral, so we brought some pink roses from our garden.
Christmas is around the corner, my Uncle really loved the Christmas season and being a part of the festivities. We will always remember him! I couldn't take many photos at the funeral, sorry about that but enjoy the photos from Claridge.
At home, Joshy, Blitzy and Curly did not appreciate the fact that we were away from home the whole week. Though, we came home each night, they were not happy at all!
Anyway, I must end off now,
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
I took this photo last week and the roses hadn't opened yet but these are the same roses we used for my Uncle's funeral. 

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