My dear readers.....
6 months?? Yes it has been 6 months since I updated this blog, I apologize for the hiatus! I'm ashamed, I meant to take a couple days off blogging but here I am over 180 days later. Sorry!
Okay apologies aside, there has been a lot going on in life! Though, I now plan to make time for this blog, I will post more regularly. I used to do it weekly but how about twice a week? I'll do my very best not to miss a post! Promises, promises eh? ;)
Alright then, let me try to update you a bit....
Last year, my family launched a new business!
We have a natural skincare and health product manufacturing company called Dewrain Health.
Lately, we've been busy with our US brand, Marinel'la. My brother and I have been doing the graphic design work and we created a website for that brand too. We wanted to bring
forth an all natural skincare range that is free of harmful chemicals and preservatives.
Click here to visit our website!
Now to the furry ones in my life...
Blitzy is happy and healthy as usual. We let her out every morning and she is promptly back in before breakfast. It's been pretty cold lately so her time outside is short, by her choice of course. She will turn 7 (in human years) soon but she still hasn't grown beyond the size of a 4 month old kitten. Adorable though!
Curly has had a bit of a rough time. Well she has healed from her extensive dental surgery last year but since it's Winter, her gums have been sore, especially at night. She's been brave about it though, somewhat. She also had a bit of an eye infection not long ago but she's all better now! Old age seems to be slowly creeping up on her, even if she won't admit it. All in all, she's still pretty active for a senior dog. We bought her a fancy new dog bed! She was skeptical at first but now she loves it. If Curly is missing, you can be sure she's snuggled up in that bed!

Joshy had Biliary a couple months ago and it slowed him down a bit but he has since bounced back. I didn't mean to give you every negative/postive update concerning them but I thought you should know! I don't think I mentioned this on any previous posts but we got into contact with Joshy''s previous owner and heard that he is actually about 11 years old! We were under the impression he was around 9 or so. Apparently he was the naughtiest kitten of the litter! We knew he had a brother named James, he was unfortunately knocked by a car. However, he had 2 sisters too. I think they mentioned that the one sister passed away as a kitten and then the other one ran away from home or went missing as was the case with Joshy's mother, Nala. It was nice to have a bit of history concerning Joshy.
Okay, that sums it up pretty much! Oh, since I will be posting more regularly now, I will cover a variety of topics, not just my furry friends. I'd like to showcase my art and crochet projects too, also share some updates along the way.
Thank you for sticking through all these years or if you're a new reader, then welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay! :)
God bless,
Sele'ha Mikhaila Dhew
For more from Cats of Claridge, click the following links :
Cats of Claridge Instagram
Blitzy's Instagram
My Art Account
Google +
Enjoy the photo's!

We bought new beds for Blitzy and Joshy too! This is the smallest one and it's still too big for her!

They may look completely different in appearance but they are sisters and sisters stick together...especially at meal times! Haha!

Joshy lost his chubby belly when he got sick.

Blitzy on the way to the vet for her yearly vaccinations. She's not pleased!
Sniffles and Lassie, our daily visitors!

How perfect is this photo?

Brother and sister

Beautiful Gaura flowers

White roses

White Gaura up close

Not sure of the name of these flowers but they're pretty! I love the contrast of mustard yellow against powdery white.
Interesting bug, some sort of beetle perhaps?

We harvested Dragonfruit a couple months ago!

A Blue Pansy butterfly

Blitzy's eyes are so intriguing!

Joshy on his new bed. They really love it!

Krispy Kreme has entered South Africa and into our mouths! My parents tasted it in America but it has finally arrived here.

All the flavors are delicious, there are even some South African themed donuts! I hate to follow the crowd but I have to admit, the Original Orange Glazed donut is simply the best!
Beautiful sleeper

Paws in the air!