The farm looks so lovely! There are new plants growing all around us! It's wonderful to watch them grow and with the all the rain we've been having, they really are growing!!!
Curly has to be constantly told not to step on the plants!!
Blitzy is so cute, she's making a little "hammock" with my room curtain almost everyday! She climbs up through the lining of the curtain and plops herself down on the curtain holder( I can't remember the word for that) but she's still in the lining of the curtain! You can just see the silhouette of her little body! The other day, when I came close to her, she lashed out at me and tried to hit me! She weighs down that rail though!
Joshy is being so naughty and is insisting on sitting on the sofa! We have to constantly take him off but he is very stubborn too! You can take him of ten times and he would return! I got to admit, I do admire his perseverance!!
Curly is going to be trimmed soon, just in time for the usual hot weather at Christmas!
My friend, Renate, who is from Germany has told us a lot about the "white Christmas's" they have there! I don't think Claridge will ever experience snow at Christmas because it's summer here in December!
Thanks for reading my post though!
Much love in Christ,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Curly on "her" sofa!
The beautiful white roses we planted are blooming!
These roses are outside Caleb's bedroom window!
Blitzy climbing up the kitchen curtain!!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Pageviews and Perfect Christmas :) x
I was just checking the pageview count and it was almost 940!!! Oh my! Thank you so much! I really want to get it to 1 000 so I need your help, tell a friend and make my day!
Christmas is just around the corner! This year has flown by so quickly that I didn't even feel it! I remember posting about last year's Christmas as if it were yesterday. This Christmas is going to be the best one yet!
Our house is looking better than ever and the whole farm has new flowers and all the houses have been painted white! I must say, it looks like a fairytale farm! I'll upload photo's of the houses as soon as I can ;)
The kids are all fine! Blitzy really has grown up, she sleeps a lot more now!
Sadly, I have to end off now :(
Thanks for everything!
Sele'ha Mikhaila
I was just checking the pageview count and it was almost 940!!! Oh my! Thank you so much! I really want to get it to 1 000 so I need your help, tell a friend and make my day!
Christmas is just around the corner! This year has flown by so quickly that I didn't even feel it! I remember posting about last year's Christmas as if it were yesterday. This Christmas is going to be the best one yet!
Our house is looking better than ever and the whole farm has new flowers and all the houses have been painted white! I must say, it looks like a fairytale farm! I'll upload photo's of the houses as soon as I can ;)
The kids are all fine! Blitzy really has grown up, she sleeps a lot more now!
Sadly, I have to end off now :(
Thanks for everything!
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Claridge Hunters :)

As I'm typing this, a storm is threatening to come and little Joshy and Curly are scared! Blitzy is fine and has cuddled up next to me. Joshy walks throughout the house, meowing and trying to find a hiding place. Curly just follows me wherever I go, she is the most terrified of all of them.
It's been storming a lot here lately! This week has been very hot though and now it seems to be returning to the cold weather. This weather also means hunting time! Joshy always catches many rats, mouses or birds on the rainy days!
Blitzy caught a lizard recently and quite a big one might I add! Normally she just gets the small ones that come into our house sometimes. She caught this big guy nestled underneath a fallen tree trunk! All sorts of insects live there and it must have been paradise for Mr Lizard! Blitzy carried him in her mouth from that tree trunk all the way home with us racing after her! It's quite a distance too! Curly seemed oblivious to it though and was eating grass like a little lamb. Joshy arrived later on but he too didn't notice it and threw himself on the mud and took a quick catnap!
Mr Lizard was extremely fast and sure gave Blitzy a run for her money when she put him down! He tried climbing up a tree but she swiftly hit him with her paw! If I could, I would've uploaded the little video footage I got of the high speed chase! When he calmed down, we got a chance to get an up-close photo of him. He was quite cheeky too! Whenever Blitzy, Caleb or I got close to him, he would threaten to bite us! He did bite Blitzy though but thankfully he had tiny teeth that could do know harm.
My brother Caleb, and I found a crab the other day! In Claridge! Far away from any beach or suitable places for a crab to live! How strange?!
Anyway, I hope that's a longer post than the last time and that you all enjoyed it!
With love,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Birthday Girls and Biting Claws
The farm is looking so beautiful with all the flowers blooming and the birds singing, it's pure bliss!
I forgot to mention about two little girls' birthdays! Blitzy turned 2 on the 10th of September (did I post anything about that already?). Then, Roxy turned 1 at the beginning of October! It's so strange to me how Blitzy is older than Roxy! The size difference is tremendous! Hahaha!
Joshy and Curly are both fine! Sorry, this update is reeeeeally short! I'll update again soon!
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Blitzy giving her big brother a sniff! >
The other birthday girl! How cute is she?! 1 year of bubbly Labrador cuteness!!!
The farm is looking so beautiful with all the flowers blooming and the birds singing, it's pure bliss!
I forgot to mention about two little girls' birthdays! Blitzy turned 2 on the 10th of September (did I post anything about that already?). Then, Roxy turned 1 at the beginning of October! It's so strange to me how Blitzy is older than Roxy! The size difference is tremendous! Hahaha!
Joshy and Curly are both fine! Sorry, this update is reeeeeally short! I'll update again soon!
Sele'ha Mikhaila
Blitzy giving her big brother a sniff! >
The other birthday girl! How cute is she?! 1 year of bubbly Labrador cuteness!!!
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