As I'm typing this, a storm is threatening to come and little Joshy and Curly are scared! Blitzy is fine and has cuddled up next to me. Joshy walks throughout the house, meowing and trying to find a hiding place. Curly just follows me wherever I go, she is the most terrified of all of them.
It's been storming a lot here lately! This week has been very hot though and now it seems to be returning to the cold weather. This weather also means hunting time! Joshy always catches many rats, mouses or birds on the rainy days!
Blitzy caught a lizard recently and quite a big one might I add! Normally she just gets the small ones that come into our house sometimes. She caught this big guy nestled underneath a fallen tree trunk! All sorts of insects live there and it must have been paradise for Mr Lizard! Blitzy carried him in her mouth from that tree trunk all the way home with us racing after her! It's quite a distance too! Curly seemed oblivious to it though and was eating grass like a little lamb. Joshy arrived later on but he too didn't notice it and threw himself on the mud and took a quick catnap!
Mr Lizard was extremely fast and sure gave Blitzy a run for her money when she put him down! He tried climbing up a tree but she swiftly hit him with her paw! If I could, I would've uploaded the little video footage I got of the high speed chase! When he calmed down, we got a chance to get an up-close photo of him. He was quite cheeky too! Whenever Blitzy, Caleb or I got close to him, he would threaten to bite us! He did bite Blitzy though but thankfully he had tiny teeth that could do know harm.
My brother Caleb, and I found a crab the other day! In Claridge! Far away from any beach or suitable places for a crab to live! How strange?!
Anyway, I hope that's a longer post than the last time and that you all enjoyed it!
With love,
Sele'ha Mikhaila
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